Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Bluetooth accessories for Android?

How many of us can say we use a Bluetooth accessory with our phone or tablet? Out of all my friends, I reckon it's just me and only it's only a  recent phenomenon that I've started using a Bluetooth keyboard with my tablet. I'm no stranger to Bluetooth accessories, I've been using them with my games console, PC and laptop for years now but didn't see the need for one with a tablet. I made a point of writing this post on my tablet, with my keyboard to prove that they are actually quite useful. I find carrying a keyboard and tablet much easier than lugging my Mac around. But why aren't more people doing the same?

How cool are they?
You rarely see people with Bluetooth headsets walking round do you? I certainly don't. Taxi drivers are about the only people I see with them sometimes and the odd few people in supermarkets (not sure why they lurk there with their headsets...). Maybe they're just not cool and so people don't want to use them? I think it's probably more to do with not really needing them, how often do you think 'I wish I could tap a button on my ear than take my phone out of my pocket'? Rarely. I admit it would be easier, but there just aren't enough scenarios for that to happen for it to be worthwhile.

The same applies with a keyboard, there aren't many times when you're on the move and a tablet and keyboard would trump a laptop, except for maybe on a busy train? Or when you're trying to travel as light as possible?

What accessories are there?
Keyboards, mice, headsets and I'd have to search online for more suggestions after this. I'm currently using a normal sized Motorola keyboard on my Nexus 7 but I certainly wouldn't use a mouse with it, what's the point of that?! So I guess maybe there needs to be more accessories? Bluetooth watches such as the Pebble watch are likely to be the next big thing with phone manufacturers all eyeing them up. If it wasn't for the price tag, I would probably purchase one, maybe if they didn't look so hideous too (sorry Pebble!).

Better productivity?
I am already more productive with this keyboard and I can write stuff up with more flexibility, like the type you would get with something like a Macbook Air or a netbook but for a fraction of the price and a touchscreen so there are clear benefits. It makes more sense than a Windows RT/8 tablet too since they are very pricey too. I wouldn't take a laptop on holiday but I might contemplate taking this combination on holiday just in case I wanted to check something up or perhaps if I wanted to blog about my travels abroad!

With smartphones and tablets become so powerful and rivalling laptops and desktops, I think the combination of a tablet and keyboard is an awesome idea and one that perhaps shouldn't be so quickly disregarded as being unworkable. It remains to be seen whether there will be demand for this but looking at online retailers and manufacturers, there is already plenty of devices which are there to help make the most of your phones and tablets which might be worth a look. You could end up surprising yourself. I know I did!


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